- He seems to cotton onquick. 当时他似乎并不喜欢我。
- He didn't seem to cotton on to me then. 当时他似乎并不喜欢我。
- He seems to cotton on quick. 他似乎敏于理解事物。
- He seems to cotton on quickly. 他似乎理解事物很快。
- He seems to have given up the ghost on this job. 他似乎已经放弃了这项工作。
- His eyes are wide open but he seems to be asleep. 他的眼睛睁得大大的但看起来是睡着了。
- He seems to be averse to hard work. 看来他不愿做艰苦的工作。
- He seems to be immune to criticism. 他似乎不受批评的影响。
- He seems to think he has a monopoly of brains. 他似乎认为只有他才聪明。
- He seems to have a lot of strange ideas. 他似乎有许多奇怪的想法。
- He seems to have mistaken a plus for a minus. 他似乎把正号误作负号了。
- He seems to have gone/to be quite potty. 他好像疯疯癫癫的了。
- He seems to expect to be wait on hand and foot. 他像是想要人尽心尽力伺候他。
- He seems to pop up in the most unlikely place. 在他似乎绝不可能到的地方,他往往就在那里出现。
- He seems to want two good actors to play up to him. 看来他需要两个好演员来配合他。
- He seems to be living in a fool's paradise. 他似乎生活在一个虚幻的乐境里。
- He seems to make enemies wherever he goes. 他看上去走到哪儿敌人就树到哪儿
- He seems to pop up in the most unlikely places. 在他似乎绝不可能到的地方,他往往就在那里出现。
- He seems to be full of beans this morning. 今天上午他看上去精神饱满。
- He seemed to be wallowing in luxury. 他似乎沉溺于豪华的享乐中。